
9_27_17_5th Mech_The Critter Final Report

9_27_17_SPIE_Thermal Expansion II

9_26_17_ID_Creating Custom Decals using the Vinyl Cutter

9_25_17_ 5th Mech_How Lego is Made

9_25_17_RM, AR_Robot Music

9_25_17_SPIE_Principle of Thermal Expansion

9.18.17_ID_ Inventor's Notebook

9_17_17_5th Mech_ Concurrent Engineering

9_17_17_SPIE_The Useless Box

9_18_17_ AR_ RM_The Gyroscopic Sensor

9_05_17_RM, AR, The Ultrasonic Sensor

9_05_17_ID_Patent Search and Previous Art