01_09_2017 Maker Movement

January 9, 2017

EQ:  What is the Maker Movement?  Why is it so significant?

Maker Movement is Significant for our Time...Do YOU Understand Why?

Maker is really a reaction to our country loosing capacity to build things ourselves and desperately trying to reclaim our roots in industrial arts, manufacturing, and the simple human need to create and to learn and practice craftsmanship. MAKER is a way to empower our students by giving them the ability to create whatever they can imagine.  It is a way to move our country from a consumer mentality to a Maker mentality.

The power to create our own learning experiences...

This young man from California got turned on to Making by attending a local Maker Faire and learning about the Arduino microcontroller.  The Arduino is an open source electronics controller which allows developers to create custom computer controlled devices.  An example of Arduino processing is the popular quadracopter drones which have an Arduino brain.  This young man (Quin), goes on to show how he tricks out his garage with a 3D printer and laser engraver and trains other students on how to use the equipment to create projects. Quin then presented his passion for Making to the local school board and won over the superintendent with the amazing potential that the movement has for student engagement...

Check out his YouTube video here:

Write and Answer the following questions from the video/blog and email them to me at sportz@weissschool.org

What are the skills of Making according to Quin?

What does it mean to say that something is open source?

What is solder referred to?

What is 3D printer code?

What is the difference between a Maker and a consumer?


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