10_16_17_AR_Self Balancing Robots

Classes:  AR
Date of Assignment 10.16.17
EQ(s): What sensor is most involved in making a two wheel self balancing robot?  What are the subroutines needed to carry out this function?  What is the purpose of each subroutine?

Watch the video:


Use the following link to learn how to program your GyroBoy Robot (Make sure you are following the directions for GyroBoy and not Balac3r:


You are not using the EV3 Home edition so it is not necessary to download the Gyrosensor block.  However, go down to STEP 3 and download the Robot Balancing Project to your computer.  Make sure you pay attention to where you send the file so that you can quickly locate it again.

Study the three main parts to the Self Balancing Program.  What are they and what do each one of the do?

Write and answer these questions in an email to the instructor:

What sensor is most involved in making a two wheel self balancing robot?  What are the subroutines needed to carry out this function?  What is the purpose of each subroutine?☺
