11_13_17_All Classes_OHM's Law

11.13.17_All Classes
Relationship between Volts, Ohms and Amps
EQ(s):  What is OHM’s Law? What is the relationship between Volts, Ohms and Amps?

Assignment: Using the following picture as a guide, describe completely the nature of each of these elements as well as the relationship between Volts, Ohms and Amps in a paragraph.

Email your paragraph to your instructor.  Scoring Rubric:  6 - you turn nothing in;  7 - you turn something in but it does not comply with the instructions; 8 /9- you define the elements but do not describe the relationship, or you describe the relationship but do not define; 10 - you complete the task as assigned using proper English Usage (grammar, punctuation, spelling).
