12_04_17_SPIE_Electronics Quiz

Classes:  SPIE
Date of Assignment 12.04.17
EQ(s):  How is your understanding of circuits?  What do you remember from our work with developing our useless box circuits?

Take the Electronics quiz for practice today.  You will take it for a grade on Wednesday.

Please tell your instructor how you do for the practice quiz today and if there is material you have forgotten or are unfamiliar with remember that for the review.

The quiz is administered in QUIA.  Get your credentials from you instructor.  Read the following guidelines for taking a QUIA quiz. 

FOR TEST Taking time:
Log into QUIA.com using your credentials (Portz gives)
DO NOT use the browser forward or back buttons – it will kick you out!
Do not exit the test until you are finished (You don’t get a second chance and can’t undo or redo)Good luck!
