
12_06_17_All Classes_Signing up for Portz Canvas Page

12_04_17_ID_5th Mech_Lithopanes

12_04_17_RM_Robot Drive Square

12_04_17_SPIE_Electronics Quiz

11_30_17_AR_GyroBoy Progress Report

11_30_17_ID_5th Mech_Making your Lithopane

11_27_17_RM_Figure 8 BOT

11_27_17_AR_Another Example of Wall Follower to help GyroBoy

11_27_17_SPIE_ID_5th Mech_Accessing the MAKER Community

11_16_17_ID_Product Review_Pocket Rocket

11_16_17_AR_Wall_Following GyroBoy


11_13_17_All Classes_OHM's Law

11_09_17_All Classes_Accessing your email from the web:


11_06_17_SPIE_Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and the Gateway Arch

11_6_17_5Th Mech_ ID_3D Printing Mistakes


11_02_17_AR_GryoBoy Programming

11_01_17_All Classes_The Last Lecture

11_01_17_ID_5th Mech_In Depth With 3D Printing

10_30_17_5th Mech_3D Printing

10_30_17_RM_Show Me Your File Management System on Your Brick

10.30.17_SPIE_Proper Soldering Technique


10_24_17_RM_EV3 Multitasking

10_24_17_ID_Bumper Buddy Invention

10_23_17_SPIE_How do you Solder Properly?

10_18_17_5th Mech_Designing a Keychain

10_18_17_SPIE_Taking a Schematic to an Elevation

10_17_17_ID_Stiles-Nicholson STEM Inventor's Challenge.

10_18_17_RM_Use the Color Block to Control the Robot

10_16_17_RM_Traffic Signal

10_16_17_AR_Self Balancing Robots

10_16_2017_SPIE_Schematics and the Useless Box

10_11_17_All Classes Quarter Evaluations

10_10_17_ID_ Expensive Sunglasses Repair

10_09_17_All Classes_ Change the World_Admiral McRaven

10_5_17_ID_Inventor's Critique- The GyroBowl

10_05_17_AR_RM_Travel an Exact Distance

10_04_17_5th Mech_Solidworks_ Moobella Ice Cream

10_04_17_AR_RM_Calculate robot travel by wheel diameter

10_04_17_SPIE_Solving for the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

10_3_2017_ID_Inventor's Notebook Evaluation